On the 4th of February 2014, Scottish Ministers voted in 105 in favour to 18 against in parliament on passing a bill that would make gay marriage legal in Scotland. This was a great day for all who support equality between people of all walks of life, and an even greater day for Scotland's LGBT communities.
Despite the overwhelming majority of people in Scotland who support this action, some churches in Scotland are not in favour. This is mostly because of the traditional Christian belief that marriage is the uniting of a man and a woman, no exceptions. There are also some sects that belief that the bible specifically prohibits two men or two women to marry. It is good to see however that these beliefs are making their way into the past.
Scotland now joins fifteen other countries in allowing and supporting same-sex marriage. What's even greater news is that the UK government has planned a similar bill to pass on the 29th of March 2014 to also make same-sex marriage legal all throughout the UK.
Over time it is believed that more and more countries will begin to see homosexuality as a normal phenomenon that should not be discriminated against. However countries like Russia and the USA seem to have a long way to go in regards to implementing these types of equality bills.
Below you can watch a short video from the Equality Network which campaigned for the proposal of this new bill:
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