Paul Gascoigne, plagued by poor mental health and alcoholism was taken away in an ambulance recently, Ally McCoist says "Paul Gascoigne pictures were shocking .... we're all praying for him, we have to save Gazza".
Read more about the story and reactions by clicking here.
The newly developed optical concentrator can be made for a mere £1 and place in a window to generate electricity from light, this is a great step GCU has taken in Green Energy.
Find out more on the GCU website by clicking here!
Traditional Scottish haggis has been banned in the US for decades due to the FDA not approving sheep lungs as safe for consumption, the UK government is trying to change that.
A militant group named Isis who has taken over parts of Iraq are now outlawed in the UK in that no one may associate or provide them with any kind of financial backing.
Check out the full bbc news article by clicking here.
Mo Farah will attempt to add two more major titles to his collection by competing in the 5,000 and 10,000 metres at the Commonwealth Games next month, according to reports.Check out the full article by clicking here!
China's e-commerce giant Alibaba is launching its first online marketplace in the US - - as it looks to expand its operations outside China, how long until they arrive in the UK?Check out the full article on the bbc news website by clicking here.
Enlightened Consciousness is a website focussing on unlocking your potential by putting aside what causes worry and fear in life and replacing it with positive and constructive habits.
Prezi is becoming the new industry standard when it comes to giving a presentation of slides. It looks great, the transitions are great, and best of all many people can all work on the same presentation online at the exact same time!
Give Prezi a try today, click here for the official site.
GameMaker is a powerful video game engine which is perfect for those who want to make simple games that require little to no coding for the less experienced. Give GameMaker a try and turn your ideas into fully fledged projects!
Ever wanted to learn to program to make programs or video games? Give C# a try as your starting point. It's not too difficult to learn with some effort and time and it is a very powerful language which can a lot of uses.
Take a look at some C# tutorials by clicking here!
The new South Park game, The Stick of Truth is a full RPG game set entirely in the south park universe. It actually looks like you're walking around inside a normal episode of the series.
Did you know you can download and run an emulator program on your PC that will allow you to play PS2 games? It's an emulator called Epsxe you can download for free.
You can get more information and a download link at the official site.
Upworthy is relatively new website that shares videos, infographics and stories from all over the world of great importance like stopping discrimination, poverty, corporate greed and much more. No doubt after visiting Upworthy you will have learned a lot and be inspired by some brave and creative people.
Come on over to Upworthy and now and browse some amazing stories!
Here's a video from Upworthy which talks about how child marriages in Malawi should be stopped:
Ever wanted to know useless facts about your first name? PokeMyName is a website where you can enter your name and it'll tell you all kinds of things about your name, including how common it is, adjectives associated with it, how it is made in morse code and in marine flag language.
You heard it right, the Amazon company we all know has released a new device which allows it's users to play games and stream movies and series, similar to that of Netflix and LoveFilm. They have dubbed their new device the "Amazon Fire TV" and it's just been made available in the USA, hopefully with a UK release soon.
The device can play games you would normally play on a tablet like an iPad. You can even purchase a controller which bears a very large resemblance to the Microsoft Xbox controller, it has been named the "Voila".
It seems Amazon wants a piece of the action when it comes to competitors like Apple and Google who also offer similar service through the Television, through the Apple TV and Google Chromecast respectively. This is also a great way for Amazon to enter the living-room of customers, a whole new market. We may well see many new electronic and digital hardware from Amazon in the future if the Amazon Fire TV catches on.
Take a look at the device in the video below for more info:
On the 4th of February 2014, Scottish Ministers voted in 105 in favour to 18 against in parliament on passing a bill that would make gay marriage legal in Scotland. This was a great day for all who support equality between people of all walks of life, and an even greater day for Scotland's LGBT communities.
Despite the overwhelming majority of people in Scotland who support this action, some churches in Scotland are not in favour. This is mostly because of the traditional Christian belief that marriage is the uniting of a man and a woman, no exceptions. There are also some sects that belief that the bible specifically prohibits two men or two women to marry. It is good to see however that these beliefs are making their way into the past.
Scotland now joins fifteen other countries in allowing and supporting same-sex marriage. What's even greater news is that the UK government has planned a similar bill to pass on the 29th of March 2014 to also make same-sex marriage legal all throughout the UK.
Over time it is believed that more and more countries will begin to see homosexuality as a normal phenomenon that should not be discriminated against. However countries like Russia and the USA seem to have a long way to go in regards to implementing these types of equality bills.
Below you can watch a short video from the Equality Network which campaigned for the proposal of this new bill:
Billy Conolly could be considered Scotland's most iconic and legendary comedian. He is well-known and has performed across the whole world. If there's one thing Scotland is known for- that isn't whiskey, haggis, bagpipes or kilts -it's Billy Connolly. Throughout his 71 years of life so far, he has went from a simple welder, to being in a folk band, to a fully fledged comedian. Not only this but he has appeared and/or voice acted in movies as well, such as The Muppets and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Some of his stand up can be seen below: